Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Did Our Solar System Form Inside a Giant Space Bubble?

Did Our Solar System Form Inside a Giant Space BubbleSo much for the Big Bang theory – here is a theory that wonders if our solar system formed inside a giant space bubble. We all know that there are several theories out there about the way our solar system came to be in existence. And there is no doubt that scientists have not been willing to agree and accept one single model that will explain every little quirk regarding our tiny corner of outer space as it presently exists.

Brand New Model of Solar System Creation

Recently, some scientists from the University of Chicago have crafted yet another new model that will explain some enduring mysteries in regarding to our solar system in its earliest stages. They have hypothesized a view that has our solar system forming within a huge space bubble, that had been created by a star that was some 40 to 50 times as big as our sun. This new  research was recently posted in the publication Astrophysical Journal.

Huge stars like these are referred to as Wolf-Rayet stars and they burn by far the hottest of any other type of stars in our entire universe. This activity results in stellar winds that surround the star by the elements they are creating, and this will eventually form a giant bubble around that star. When this happens, gas and dust becomes trapped within the outer shell of this massive bubble. And many scientists believe that this is an ideal place in which new stars can be formed.

The Location of Formation

The existing hypothesis pertaining to the creation of our solar system is it was born somewhere near a supernova. However, the one big glitch with this latest theory is that it does not explain the vast abundance of the aluminum-26 isotope that existed in the solar system during its early stages, and it also doesn’t address the absence of isotope iron-60. The amounts of these 2 elements during the stages of the early solar system, when compared to the galaxy at large, are actually quite a mystery. However the Wolf-Rayet theory could have furnished a solution to these dilemmas: While it is known that supernovae releases both of these isotopes in at least some quantity, a Wolf-Rayet star only produces aluminum-26 and not iron-60.

The giant star housing our early solar system could have been long gone (perhaps from a supernova explosion or even a direct collapse via a black hole), but prior to its death, the shell of the bubble would have deflated and collapsed partially. And the results of this could have been was the creation of our solar system. Just like with any other theory, we know that we can’t take anything for certain when it comes to the things we actually know about deep outer space, but this is no doubt that this is definitely an interesting theory that should be studies further.

The world is eager to find out if our solar system was formed inside a giant space bubble. Just think of the science fiction movie that could be made from that.

Read more >> http://ift.tt/2zko2eP

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